Nenna's Shiny Giveaway
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Updates on Contest

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Updates on Contest Empty Updates on Contest

Post  NennaNerra Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:31 am

There are some changes coming to the forum. Unless otherwise stated you are expected to follow all of the old rules at all times. If you do not follow them you will be deleted. And as always if you have questions ALWAYS feel free to ask.

Eventually I may add more to this, once it is not 3am.

No New Members & Importance of Activity
The Contest is forever and completely closed for any new members. So all of you that are here are keeping the contest alive. If I get down to 15 or less members at ANY time the contest will be over as well as anything else on this forum. At that time the forum will be removed and I will no longer be giving away shinies. So it is all of you that is keeping the contest going! Your inactivity can and will end it without me batting an eye.

I will also not give second chances if you are deleted for not posting here on the forums during activity checks. So if you are going on vacations, having computer troubles, or whatever other excuse you can think of that will make you inactive and you are worried that you might miss out on an activity check then feel free to message me on Pokefarm and here on the forums. Better safe than sorry am I right?

Time Period & Winner Choosing
So before you would have to wait two months after winning a shiny before being eligible to win another. Well that changes now. Instead of two months you now only have to wait one month. If you win a shiny any time during the month, whenever the 1st of the next month rolls around you will automatically be eligible again. This is because of the number of people in the contest and it being a much lower number than I originally thought.

Also changing is how I pick the winners of a shiny. To promote activity, or at the least logging into the forum, I will only take the first 15 people on the memberlist (half the members) to choose from. If you haven't noticed already when you login your name bumps up to the top of the memberlist. Thus the more active you are the more likely it is for you to be at the top of the memberlist...and thus more likely to win a shiny.

DreamWorld = More Shinies
So the DreamWorld has finally come out on Pokefarm and that just means more chances for me to find the odd shiny here and there. I am not overly fond of the DreamWorld but I may use it on the odd occassion using my Legendaries. So that said this means more chance for shinies for you. If I already have the shiny I find or simply don't like it I will give it up to all of you. I will be doing it by random number generator as always. However unlike my shiny hunts you do not have a waiting period before you can win another DreamWorld shiny. As a matter of fact it does not give you any waiting period for anything.

Topic/Post Deletions
I am emplamenting an automatic deletion of topics through most of the forum. The only board immune to this is the Rules board. Everywhere else will be put under a 10 day deletion program. What this means is that if a topic isn't posted on for 10 days the forum itself will delete the entire thing. However, the Mini Contest board will be put under a 35 day deletion program. It will do the same as the rest of the boards. After 35 days any topic not posted on in that time will be deleted as well as all the posts found in it.

Birthday Gift
When you have your birthday here on the forum I will send you a message on Pokefarm on that day allowing you to choose one event egg from the gold shop. Then I will hatch it for you and once it is hatched (keep in mind it may take a bit since I am always hunting shinies) I will send it to you as your birthday gift. Please keep in mind that if I am saving a spot in my party, have no free spots, or for some other reason cannot get a event egg right away you will be put on a waiting list. Once you have chosen what egg you want you cannot change your mind if new events come out or whatever other reason might make you change your mind. If there is more than one person waiting on their birthday egg I will make a list in my Mini-Log to keep track of who is supposed to get what.

Posts : 127
Join date : 2011-03-25
Age : 42
Location : Fort Worth

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